I’m an audio engineer with a love for unconventional music.

To me unconventional music is music that plays with conventions and expectations. This attitude towards music is something I recognize by artists who are playful, openminded & brave to make bold artistic statements.

I like to help these artists to faithfully realize their vision. I do this by listening closely to the artist’s wishes and thus trying to understand their vision and ideas. With this knowledge I choose or propose production-techniques that I think will represent or enhance the artist’s vision.


Working Method

During my Bachelor and Master degree Music & Technology at the HKU I focused on how to understand and translate the artistic vision of unconventional artist into a convincing end result that is true to the artist vision.

For me the key element to this is having an open mindset. Being open to new ideas, people and ways of working. Because every artist has a different vision, I try to tailor my working method to the needs of the artist. I sure have my preferences, but we can throw everything out of the window if the music demands it.

In the end, I know I can’t be fully transparent. But it’s about getting to know someones artistic view and explore as much what is possible in that world. And hopefully make something that’s not only true to your vision but beyond that, something we both couldn’t imagine at the beginning.

Studio & Gear

Mixing is done at my mixing room in Rotterdam. combining outboard gear (Great British Spring, Klemt Echolette, Copicat, Warm Audio Pultec) and effects (Death By Audio, Chase Bliss, Earthquaker Devices, EHX, MRFX) with plugins (Fabfilter, Soundtoys, Plugin Alliance). The studio can also be used for small overdubs. (Prophet Rev 2, MS-20, Arp Oddesy, Crucianelli bas & guitar, Fender Jazzmaster & Esquire) and microphones (Sennheiser MD21, 421, 441, Electro Voice RE-20 and Bang and Olufsen Bm 6’s)

I am always open for recording at other studio’s and I enjoy recording on location as well.

When it comes to gear, I try not to be too puristic. The most important thing is that what comes out of the speakers excites or inspires the artist and me. One day that is recording with a vintage Neumann U87 going through a Telefunken V67 and a Tubetech CL2A. The other day that is running the whole drumbus trough a pair of Proco Rats distortion pedals. 

Most projects I record in the Katzwijm Studio, a charming studio between the tulip fields and alpaca’s in the lively Voorhout. Katzwijm has a nice collection of microphone’s (Neumann U87, KM84, KM86, Josephson C700s, E22s, AEA R92) Outboard gear (Distressors, Manley Massive Passive, Tube Tech CL 2A, Orban 418, AKG BX20) Instruments (60’s Fender Telecaster, Jaguar and Gibson ES330, Silvertone amps in case) and amps (Musicman 210, vintage Danelectro amp, ‘60 Vox AC30, Fender Brownface Vibroverb & Deluxe amp)

The studio also has sleeping accommodation. It’s a perfect place to work isolated on your music for a couple of days.